
From RosieSoCrossing

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.wiggle:nth-child(20n+15) {

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.wiggle:nth-child(20n+17) {

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/* Min 2560px */

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/* Min 2048px */

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/* Min 1440px */

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/* Min 1280px */

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/* Min 1152px */

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/* Min 1080px */

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/* Min 1024px */

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/* Min 851px */

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/* Min 820px */

@media screen and (max-width: 850px) {

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/* Min 810px */

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/* Min 800px */

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#mw-normal-catlinks a:hover {
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/* Min 720px */

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/* Min 640px */

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/* Mobile max 640px */

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div.villager-infobox {
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#mw-normal-catlinks, #mw-normal-catlinks .new a:hover, #mw-normal-catlinks, #mw-normal-catlinks .new a:visited:hover {
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/* Mobile */

@media only screen and (max-width: 499px) {

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figure[typeof~="mw:File/Thumb"] > :not(figcaption) .mw-file-element, figure[typeof~="mw:File/Frame"] > :not(figcaption) .mw-file-element {
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figure[typeof~="mw:File/Thumb"] .mw-file-description, figure[typeof~="mw:File/Frame"] .mw-file-description {
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div.villager-infobox {
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.infobox-species {
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.infobox-gender {
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.infobox-birthday {
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.infobox-sign {
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.infobox-favsaying {
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.infobox-catchphrase {
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/* Villager NH Infobox */

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.villager-nh-handheld .villager-nh-section,
.villager-nh-houseinterior .villager-nh-section,
.villager-nh-houseexterior .villager-nh-section {
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