Pocket Camp Club Journal: November 2019: Cyrus's Sketchbook
From RosieSoCrossing
Here Come the Holidays!
Cyrus's Sketchbook

Take a gander at the houses with green rooftops in these two sketches. Both are adorned with lots of small lights, and have small orange candles set out in front. What a warm and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for a merry gathering!

This snow-capped clock tower looks so wondrously wintry! If you look closely, you may see Timmy and Tommy, looking rather angelic.

There's a small candle resting on this seat, but don't worry, your animal friends won't sit on the candle! Instead, they'll hold it, a luminous representation of their warm seasonal feelings.

This is a busy time of the year for Cyrus, but don't worry - he's staying warm and getting lots of rest!